Tuesday, September 22, 2009


All living things protect themselves inorder to survive.Plants have structures or characteristics that protect themselves from humans and other animals.

Illegal cutting of trees is one of the big problem, espescially when a big storm may come, it can cause flashflood or landslide and may destroy a lot of treasures of people espescially people living near the mountains. Why don't we plant more trees so that there a lot of trees to use in way of using it wisely.

Indangered animals. Mostly this is cause by people. They killed animals which they want to.They don't even care if it is now indangered.Global warming is also one cause when the times that the heat is being trap in our environment.The plants, animals and also people are affected because too much exposed in the sun is very dangerous. In people it may cause skin cancer. PLants are no longer take the heat and it will cause to them to die.

Applying our knowledge and good skills is one way of protecting this living things in order to survive. Love and protect culture of sciences so that we can enriched the betterment of our nature.

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